Practical Workshop for Laboratory Staff in Yekaterinburg, October 21-23, 2008 Successfully Completed


BioVitrum gave a practical workshop for histological laboratory staff on Specific Issues of Using Modern Equipment and Consumables for Pathomorphology on 21-23 October 2008 in Yekaterinburg.

The workshop agenda was designed to provide the attending histologists with both theoretical knowledge and practical experience at all stages of histological process: starting with cutting through initial evaluation and archiving.

- Cutting the material with Sakura section kit
- Consumables and accessories (BioOptica)
- Labeling histological cassettes and slides – cassette and slide printers: IDent Glass Slide Printer and IDent Cassete Printer(Sakura)
- Running through histological processor Tissue-Tek® VIP™ 5 (Sakura)
- Embedding in paraffin using cassettes and special embedding forms (BioOptica) at Tissue Embedding Console System Tissue-Tek® TEC™ 5 (Sakura)
- Microtomy of paraffin blocks (rotary microtome Accu Cut SRM 200, Sakura, sliding microtome Slide 2003, (PFM)
- Staining and including using automated systems Tissue Tek Prisma and Tissue Tek Film (Sakura)
- Microscopic evaluation using Nikon equipment (microscopes E100 and i50)
Over 40 histologists from Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast and surrounding regions (Tyumen, Chelyabinsk, Ufa, Perm, Nizhny Tagil and other cities) were invited to attend the workshop.

The event took place in a rented lecturing hall of Uktus hotel (Yekaterinburg). The attendants from other cities were accommodated in the same hotel.

On behalf of BioVitrum, we thank N.V. Solomonova, Senior Laboratory Analyst of Sverdlovsk Oncology Dispensary, who kindly offered the participants the opportunity to visit her laboratory, which has a full line of Sakura instruments. The workshop audience were pleased and surprised with the high-level organization of the working process and had a chance to share their experience.
For recreation the attendants were offered a bus tour around Yekaterinburg and a closing dinner at one of the city restaurants, at which they received the certificates of attending the workshop.

Here is some feedback from the participants given after the completion of the workshop:

"Perfect arrangement of the workshop! We are very grateful for the chance to see and try the new instruments."(I.V. Rayanova, Municipal Healthcare Institution, City Clinical Hospital #3, Chelyabinsk)
"Many thanks to all those, who organized this. Health and luck to you. Thanks for caring of histological laboratory staff. Your workshops will surely improve the pathology service." (M.I. Pleshakova, State Treatment and Preventing Institution, the Rayon Central Hospital, Zavodoukovsk)
"Thank you so much for your work. For the 28 years that I work in histology this is the first conference of the kind. Well done! Good luck." (N.V. Solomonova, State Healthcare Institution for Oblast, Sverdlovsk Oblast Oncology Dispensary, Yekaterinburg)

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