BioVitrum took an active part in the II Russian Congress of Laboratory Medicine


The II Russian Congress of Laboratory Medicine was held from 12 to 14th of October 2016 in Moscow. This event was attended by Heads of the Departments of the Russian Health Ministry, Roszdravnadzor, Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS of Russia), President of the Union of the medical community "National Medical Chamber", a great number of specialists, scientists, researchers, managers and specialists of educational, scientific and medical organizations in Russia, representatives of the professional organizations, managers and employees of companies involved in laboratory diagnostics.

The event was devoted to current professional and regulatory issues of clinical laboratory diagnostics, clinical and medical microbiology, including human resources and education; genetics issues, the laboratory tests role in oncology, parasitology, autoimmune diseases diagnosis, sepsis and other areas of modern medicine. Also at the congress, close attention was paid to the laboratory diagnosis of socially significant viral infections such as tuberculosis, hepatitis, HIV, STIs. This themes were appeared at a plenary session with the report of I.A. Vasilyeva, Chief TB specialist of Health Ministry.

Within the plenary session program were highlighted the strategic directions theme of laboratory medicine innovative development, the continuing education issue and laboratory services accreditation to medical professionals and non-medical education.

The scientific program of the Congress included not only lectures and presentations but also workshops, where everyone had an opportunity to work with modern laboratory equipment.

BioVitrum took an active part in the Russian largest exhibition of medical manufacturers and suppliers of laboratory equipment and consumables - "Laboratory City". This year, 118 domestic and foreign companies showcased its modern developments in the field of laboratory diagnostics.

On BioVitrum’s booth was presented a full product company portfolio for Clinical Microbiology. Experts presented reagents and consumables for manual methods of OXOID (United Kingdom); as well as comprehensive automation of the laboratory research by the equipment Biomerieux (France), Alifax (Italy) and ThermoFisherScientific (UK).

The participants of the event paid much attention to ready-culture microbiological media of Sredoff (Russia). The Sredoff microbiological media are produced by using the best British ingredients. Quality control of each batch, convenient delivery times and registration certificates are indisputable advantages of Sredoff production.

At the BioVitrum exposition was demonstrated the laboratory information system «LabForce» (LIS) for different profiles laboratories from the Russian development company Med IT. Multifunctional system solves the problem of obtaining statistics at any level: from registration to issuing results. Specialists make studies by using specialized user interfaces and report forms system, providing deep specificity of these areas.

Experts were able to obtain detailed information about the LIS and to simulate the lab working process immediately on the booth, as well as discuss the individual objectives of each laboratory

The results of the II Russian Congress of Laboratory Medicine at a Glance

For three days the scientific event were attended by 7090 specialists from Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Greece, Germany, Italy and other countries. In the Congress took part 497 heads of medical institutions, 30 professional managers of educational institutions, 270 executives of manufacturing companies. Among 7090 the Congress participants were 167 doctors of medical sciences, 717 candidates of medical sciences and 114 professors.

В программе пленарного заседания были освещены темы стратегического направления инновационного развития лабораторной медицины (доклад директора Департамента науки, инновационного развития и управления медико-биологическими рисками здоровью С.А. Румянцева), а также вопрос  непрерывного образования и аккредитации специалистов лабораторной службы с медицинским и немедицинским образованием (доклад заместителя директора Департамента медицинского образования и кадровой политики в здравоохранении И.А. Купеевой).

В рамках конгресса состоялись:

·         симпозиум, посвящённый молекулярно-генетическим маркерам в диагностике и прогнозе опухолей. Освещались современные представления о молекулярных механизмах развития злокачественных опухолей и возможностях использования достижений фундаментальных исследований в клинической онкологии;

·         заседание профильной комиссии МЗ РФ: по аналитической и судебно-медицинской токсикологии под председательством главного внештатного специалиста МЗ РФ по аналитической и судебно-медицинской токсикологии Б.Н. Изотова;

·         заседание профильной комиссии по клинической лабораторной диагностике. Обсуждались кадровые проблемы лабораторной службы и перечень нормативно-правовых актов; 

·         заседание комиссии «Опора России» под руководством вице-президента Ассоциации ФЛМ С.А. Гольдберга. Обсуждались вопросы обращения медицинских изделий;

·         круглый стол по вопросам особенностей использования медицинскими лабораториями некоторых медицинских изделий в диагностическом процессе;

·         секция «От диплома до завлаба», в которой спикеры делились с будущими врачами своим опытом и рассказывали студентам о возможностях предстоящего трудоустройства.

Научная программа Конгресса включала в себя не только лекции и доклады, но и мастер-классы, на которых все желающие могли отработать навыки и умения работы с современным лабораторным оборудованием. 

Компания «БиоВитрум» приняла активное участие в крупнейшей в России выставке производителей и поставщиков медицинского лабораторного оборудования и расходных материалов - «Лабораторный город». В этом году 118 отечественных и зарубежных компаний продемонстрированы свои новейшие разработки в области лабораторной диагностики.

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