BioVitrum organized and held a school with international participation "The diagnosis and treatment of bone tumors"


The school was held under the auspices of the Russian Society of Pathologists (RSP) and the Russian Association of Radiologists (RAR), it was included in the Radiology education program of RAR.

The goal of the school was to promote joint efforts of experts directly involved in bone tumors diagnosis and treatment, for early detection of malignant tumors and mortality reduction by such diseases in Russia.

For participation in the event were invited pathologists, physicians, radiologists (specialists in radiation diagnosis), oncologists and histologic technicians. In total were registered more than a hundred specialists from all over Russia.


In the business program of the school were highlighted the most relevant aspects and topics in the field of bone pathology:

The experts and specialists had the opportunity for collective discussion difficult cases, studying in practice complicated mechanism of diagnostics and malignancies detection.


The speakers of the event were the leading Russian and European experts in the bone tumors diagnosis and treatmen:

Piero Picci - MD, Director of the Experimental Oncology Laboratory, the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute (Italy, Bologna);

Daniel Vanel - Professor, Radiology Consultant at the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute (Italy, Bologna);

Eric Staals, - MD, Consultant in Orthopaedic Surgery, Musculoskeletal Oncology Unit (Italy, Bologna).

Cooperation within the school has created a favorable atmosphere for the experience exchange and knowledge increase.

The school “The diagnosis and treatment of bone tumors” got accreditation in the Russian System of Certification for pathologists by the Ministry of Health. 


As part of the event was organized an exposition, where was presented the full product portfolio on the morphology of BioVitrum.


Great interest among the participants of scientific events generated a visualization system - software and hardware complex HistoViewer. Everyone was able to explore interesting cases of bones disease, as well as to get acquainted in practice with a complex functional, appreciating the easiness and quality morphometry characteristics.


At the school was provided a training course for histology technicians. For 2 days of practical course were studying modern techniques of histological preparation, especially the decalcification and microtomy processes, histological preparation staining.

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